When you use a searcheable listbox, the values are sent to the workflow engine, with pipes (||) in between. this sometimes results in ugly displays :
this is an example when only 1 value is sent to the workflow Philippe Petit||Sébastien Mataikamoana||Damien Russello||Carlos Aguiar||Jean-Luc Mazzon (Gianluca)
we want to replace the || by a new line, or a comma
we have 2 fields: - fieldA - the searcheable listbox, multiselect - fieldB - our field without the ||
Form name is : FormX
for a break line, we need <br>
set this in 'default value' for fieldB, and do check 'this field contains calculations'.
If you want to select another column of the datastore, just add it in :
NOTE : THIS ONLY WORKS WITH A SEARCHABLE LISTBOX MULTISELECT!! You can not use this function to remove unwanted characters from a text or text area field.
NOTE 2 : if you want the date to look good as a default value in a field, you need to replace : <br> by: \n