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In order to get an XML property from an XML file uploaded via an upload field we have to take some steps:

1. Add an upload field, with internal name for example 'fuXml'

2. Add a read only display field (which you can hide afterwards), with internal name for example 'roXmlLocation'. In this field we will extract the link from the uploaded file, so without the <a href...>..</a>

  Use as dynamic value this calculation:
  GetXmlProperty('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-UploadXmlTest||fuXml||#', '/A/@HREF')

3. Add a text field (or any other type) where you'll put the xml property in.

  Use as dynamic value this calculation:
  IIF(IsValidPath('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-UploadXmlTest||roXmlLocation||#'), GetXmlPropertyFromPath('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-UploadXmlTest||roXmlLocation||#', '/bookstore/book[1]/title/text()'), '')

Example form: