JavaScript: Difference between revisions
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''returns'': see CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntries | ''returns'': see CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntries | ||
for all filter operators see | for all filter operators see [here1|here2] | ||
==== Advanced search and sort on parameter entries ==== | ==== Advanced search and sort on parameter entries ==== |
Revision as of 14:07, 14 March 2022
Since version 7.20.10 SSP supports javascript steps in the workflow. Below is a summary of all SSP specific functions, available to be used within the step:
The CommonInterface package supports a number of basic java functions that can be used in all javascript functions within SSP.
Common Functions
logs entry into the physical logfile of the Common application
- First parameter is the message to be added to the common log
CommonInterface.logDebug('message'); returns: nothing
Get the hash of a string
first parameter is the type of hash, can be: sha1, sha1_base64, sha256, sha256_base64, sha512 or sha512_base64
- second parameter is the string to be hashed
CommonInterface.getHash('sha512', 'test'); returns: EE26B0DD4AF7E749AA1A8EE3C10AE9923F618980772E473F8819A5D4940E0DB27AC185F8A0E1D5F84F88BC887FD67B143732C304CC5FA9AD8E6F57F50028A8FF
encrypts string
- first parameter is the password (if empty the default one is used)
- second parameter is the string to be encrypted
CommonInterface.encrypt('test', 'mypassword'); returns: oOe3y182qDKOGzmFpfTiLzNpML+fyvwhfjA9HqF9OwYqcM/PZovosALARZzApNnvToKpBV1dsWnaDP7+iTBo/ic33ZwcxuNRlbGHiKDwdEY=
decrypts string
- first parameter is the password (if empty the default one is used)
CommonInterface.decrypt('oOe3y182qDKOGzmFpfTiLzNpML+fyvwhfjA9HqF9OwYqcM/PZovosALARZzApNnvToKpBV1dsWnaDP7+iTBo/ic33ZwcxuNRlbGHiKDwdEY=', 'mypassword'); returns: test
generate a new guid
CommonInterface.newGuid(); returns: a new guid (eg 9ec5d882-dcb7-408b-9638-c4f05045f18c)
- first parameter is the amount of time (in milliseconds) the thread needs to be suspended
CommonInterface.sleep(1000); returns: nothing
toDate (7.22.02)
- first parameter is date in string in the format yyyyMMdd or yyyyMMddHHmmss
CommonInterface.toDate("20220101"); returns: a date object in the local time zone
toUtcDate (7.22.02)
- first parameter is date in string in the format yyyyMMdd or yyyyMMddHHmmss
CommonInterface.toUtcDate("20220101"); returns: a date object in the UTC time zone
dateToString (7.22.02)
- first parameter is date object in the local time zone (warning, dates created in Javascript are always UTC)
- second parameter is the format you want the date to be in
CommonInterface.dateToString(new Date(2022, 0, 1), "yyyyMMdd"); returns: the date in string in the format specified -> 20211231
CommonInterface.dateToString(CommonInterface.toDate("20220101"), "yyyyMMdd"); returns: the date in string in the format specified -> 20220101
utcDateToString (7.22.02)
- first parameter is date object in the UTC time zone (dates created in Javascript are always UTC)
- second parameter is the format you want the date to be in
CommonInterface.utcDateToString(new Date(2022, 0, 1), "yyyyMMdd"); returns: the date in string in the format specified -> 20220101
Convert text to base64
Converts a string into a base64 encoded string
- First parameter is the string to be converted
CommonInterface.convertToBase64('test'); returns: dGVzdA==
Convert base64 to string
Converts a string that is base64 encoded into a readable string
- first parameter is the string to be decoded
CommonInterface.convertFromBase64('dGVzdA=='); returns: test
json encode (7.21.09)
Encodes to JSON.
- first parameter is the object to be encoded
CommonInterface.jsonEncode({ name: 'John' }); returns: {"name":"John"}
json decode (7.21.09)
Converts JSON into object
- first parameter is the text to be converted
CommonInterface.jsonDecode('{"name":"John"}'); returns: the object
htmlencode text
Encodes text that contains html code into encoded html so that the html code is displayed in a browser. This function can be used to avoid the execution of input strings.
- first parameter is the string to be encoded
CommonInterface.htmlEncode('test'); returns: <strong>test</strong>
htmldecode text
Converts encoded html into default html
- first parameter is the html string to be converted
CommonInterface.htmlDecode('<strong>test</strong>'); returns: test
urlencode text
Encodes a string into a url encoded string.
- first parameter is the text to be encoded
CommonInterface.urlEncode('?param1=test1¶m2=test2'); returns: %3fparam1%3dtest1%26param2%3dtest2
urldecode text
Decodes a url encoded string into a readable format
- first parameter is the string to be decoded
CommonInterface.urlDecode('%3fparam1%3dtest1%26param2%3dtest2'); returns: ?param1=test1¶m2=test2
xmlencode text
Encodes a text string into proper XML characters
- first parameter is the string to be encoded
CommonInterface.xmlEncode('test1 & test2'); returns: test1 & test2
Remove invalid characters
- first parameter is the string that contains non-standard characters
remove invalid (weird characters, mostly from pasting from other soures) xml characters:
CommonInterface.stripNonValidXMLCharacters ('♦≡╬▌test1'}; returns: test1
Convert bbcode to html
Convert bb-code in html formatted text, to include bb-code formatted text on web pages.
- first parameter is the bbcode that should be converted into HTML
CommonInterface.bbCodeToHtml('[b]test[/b]'); returns: test
Convert bbcode to text
Convert bb-code into standard text by removing all codes
- first parameter is the bbcode to be converted into text
CommonInterface.bbCodeToText('[b]test[/b]'); returns: test
File Management
Check if the input is a valid path (url or local path)
Checks if the provided path is valid. Returns 1 or 0
CommonInterface.isValidPath('D:\\test.txt'); CommonInterface.isValidPath(''); returns: boolean
Check if the url starts with the url (public or local) to ssp
CommonInterface.isSspFile(''); returns: boolean
Local path of url
returns local path to the file for a provided url (only in case the URL point to an ssp file)
CommonInterface.getLocalPathForSspFile(''); returns: C:\Websites\\Sql.Dev.Ssp7\test.txt
Get the filename of the url / local path
retrieves the file name that is part of a url
CommonInterface.getFileName(''); returns: test.txt
Get the file extension of the url / local path
Retrieves the extension of the file provided as argument
CommonInterface.getFileExtension(''); returns: .txt
Get the file content of the url / local path
Downloads the file provided as argument and returns the file contents
CommonInterface.getFileContent(''); returns: test content
Get the file content of the url / local path with encoding specified (since 7.21.11)
Downloads the file provided as argument and returns the file contents using the encoding specified. See this list for possible encodings:
CommonInterface.getFileContentWithEncoding('D:\\test.txt', 'windows-1250'); returns: test content
Get the file content in base 64 of the url / local path
CommonInterface.getFileContentInBase64(''); returns: dGVzdCBjb250ZW50
Get the file size in bytes of the url / local path
CommonInterface.getFileSizeInBytes(''); returns: 12
Format file size in readable format (with B, KB, MB, GB or TB)
Converts the provided number of bytes into a readable file size
CommonInterface.formatFileSizeInBytes(5242880); returns: 5 MB
Save an object / array of objects to an Excel file (since 7.21.11)
- parameter 1: the object / array of objects you want to save
- parameter 2: name of the sheet in Excel
- parameter 3: the physical location of the Excel file, including filename and .xlsx extension
CommonInterface.saveToExcel([{"name": "first value", "summary": "first summary"},{"name": "second value", "summary": "second summary"}], "Sheet1", "C:\\Temp\\Example.xlsx"); returns: nothing when success, otherwise the error message
Calling Web Services
Get or send data to or from a webservice defined under adapters
- first parameter: name of webservice
- second parameter: object with key / value that is used as input fields)
CommonInterface.callWebservice('Name of webservice', { 'field1': 'value1', 'field2': 'value2' }); returns in case of the webservice having a return type of single value: the single value (string) returns in case of the webservice having a return type of datatable or valuelist: the object encoded as a JSON string. If you want to consume it as an object in your javascript, you must use JSON.parse(), eg in one line: JSON.parse(CommonInterface.callWebservice('Name of webservice', { 'field1': 'value1', 'field2': 'value2' }));
Datastore parameters
check if user has access to datastore parameter
- First parameter: name of the parameter
CommonInterface.loggedInPersonCanManageParameterEntries('Address Book'); returns: boolean TRUE or FALSE if the currently logged in person has access to the parameter name provided
get all entries of a parameter
- First parameter: name of the parameter
CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntries('Address Book'); returns: all the entries (array) with all the fields (properties) as JSON encoded string. If you want to consume it, use JSON.parse, eg: JSON.parse(CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntries('Address Book'));
get all entries of a parameter sorted on a field
- First parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: field to sort on
CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntriesAndSort('Address Book', 'Name'); returns: same as above but sorted via the query
Get the count of all entries of a parameter
- first parameter: name of the parameter
CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntryCount('Address Book'); returns: 9
Get specific value of a field for a specific entry
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: key field
- third parameter: key value
- fourth parameter: fields to return, joined by double pipes
CommonInterface.getParameterEntryValue('Address Book', 'Email', '', 'Name||Location'); returns: the values if the requested fields for the first entry found, joined by double pipe, eg: john Doe||Maastricht
Get all values of a field in a parameter
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: field name
CommonInterface.getParameterEntryValues('Address Book', 'Email'); returns: JSON encoded string of all the values (sorted), again to consume use JSON.parse, result: ["","","",""]
Advanced search on parameter entries
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value containing the predicates
CommonInterface.searchParameterEntries('Address Book', [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: '' },{ connector: 'or', subfilter: [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: 'company' }, { fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'notcontains', filtervalue: 'john' } ]}]); returns: see CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntries
for all filter operators see [here1|here2]
Advanced search and sort on parameter entries
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value containing the predicates
- third parameter: field to sort on
CommonInterface.searchParameterEntriesAndSort('Address Book', [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: '' },{ connector: 'or', subfilter: [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: 'company' }, { fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'notcontains', filtervalue: 'john' } ]}], 'Location'); returns: same as CommonInterface.searchParameterEntries but sorted via the query
Get the result count of an advanced search
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value containing the predicates
CommonInterface.searchParameterEntryCount('Address Book', [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: '' },{ connector: 'or', subfilter: [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: 'company' }, { fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'notcontains', filtervalue: 'john' } ]}]); returns: the number of records found
Add an entry to a parameter
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value that contains the fields (keys) with the values (values)
CommonInterface.addParameterEntry('Address Book', { 'Name': 'Test', 'Email': '' }); returns: the new internal id of the entry
Add an entry to a parameter SECURE
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value that contains the fields (keys) with the values (values)
- security: This function checks if the currently logged in person is authorized to edit the parameter
CommonInterface.addParameterEntrySecure('Address Book', { 'Name': 'Test', 'Email': '' }); returns: the new internal id of the entry
updates zero or more parameter entries
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value that represents the predicate (filter)
- third parameter: object with key / value that contains the new values (not all values are required)
CommonInterface.updateParameterEntries('Address Book', { 'Email': '' }, { 'Name': 'Test updated' }); returns: the number of entries updated (make sure you use the correct filter, you could potentially update all the entries)
updates zero or more parameter entries SECURE
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value that represents the predicate (filter)
- third parameter: object with key / value that contains the new values (not all values are required)
- Security: This function checks if the currently logged in person is authorized to edit the parameter
CommonInterface.updateParameterEntriesSecure('Address Book', { 'Email': '' }, { 'Name': 'Test updated' }); returns: the number of entries updated (make sure you use the correct filter, you could potentially update all the entries)
Delete zero or more parameter entries
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value that represents the predicate (filter)
CommonInterface.deleteParameterEntries('Address Book', { 'Email': '' }); returns: the number of entries deleted (make sure you use the correct filter, you could potentially delete all the entries)
Delete zero or more parameter entries SECURE
- first parameter: name of the parameter
- second parameter: object with key / value that represents the predicate (filter)
- Security: This function checks if the currently logged in person is authorized to edit the parameter
CommonInterface.deleteParameterEntriesSecure('Address Book', { 'Email': '' }); returns: the number of entries deleted (make sure you use the correct filter, you could potentially delete all the entries)
Person and person group (7.21.07)
Get person with internal id
- First parameter is internal id of the person
CommonInterface.getPerson(1); returns: object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
getPersonsByEmail (acted as searchPersonsByEmail before 7.22.02)
Get list of people via email
- First parameter is the email address
CommonInterface.getPersonsByEmail(""); returns: array of objects with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
getActivePersonByEmail (7.22.02)
Get active peron via email
- First parameter is the email address
CommonInterface.getActivePersonByEmail(""); returns: object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
searchPersonsByEmail (7.22.02)
Get list of people by searching via email
- First parameter is the email address
CommonInterface.searchPersonsByEmail(""); returns: array of objects with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
getPersonsByUniqueId (acted as searchPersonsByUniqueId before 7.22.02)
Get list of people via uniqueid
- First parameter is the uniqueid
CommonInterface.getPersonsByUniqueId("john.doe"); returns: array of objects with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
getActivePersonByUniqueId (7.22.02)
Get person via uniqueid
- First parameter is the uniqueid
CommonInterface.getActivePersonByUniqueId("john.doe"); returns: object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
searchPersonsByUniqueId (7.22.02)
Get list of people by searching via uniqueid
- First parameter is the uniqueid
CommonInterface.searchPersonsByUniqueId("jo"); returns: array of objects with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
Get the value of a person field for a specific person
- First parameter is the internal id of the person
- Second parameter is the name of the field (can be UniqueId, FirstName, LastName, Email or any other custom defined person field)
CommonInterface.getPersonField(1, "Country"); returns: the value of the field
Get the first and last name of a person
- First parameter is the internal id of the person
CommonInterface.getPersonFirstAndLastName(1); returns: the first and last name
Get the description of a person
- First parameter is the internal id of the person
CommonInterface.getPersonDescription(1); returns: the description in the format as defined in the settings
Get the person groups where the person is member of
- First parameter is the internal id of the person
CommonInterface.getPersonGroupsForPerson(1); returns: array of objects with properties id, name and description in JSON
Get the person group with internal id
- First parameter is the internal id of the person group
CommonInterface.getPersonGroup(1); returns: object with properties id, name and description in JSON
Get a list of person groups via name
- First parameter is the name
CommonInterface.getPersonGroupsByName("Groupname"); returns: array of objects with properties id, name and description in JSON
Get the members of the person group
- First parameter is the internal id of the person group
CommonInterface.getPersonsForPersonGroup(1); returns: array of objects with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
The WorkflowInterface contains function that interact with tickets
Check if a ticket id exists (7.21.07)
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.processInstanceIdExists(1500); returns: true or false
Remove process instance object from thread cache (7.21.07)
For performance reasons, the process instance object will be cached per request, if you edit the object and request data after the action you may need to clear the cache first. Use this only when you are sure you need this.
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.removeProcessInstanceFromThreadCache(1500); returns: nothing
Get workflow information for a ticket (7.21.07)
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.getWorkflowInformation(1500); returns: object with properties id, guid, processid, datestarted, dateended, workflowissubmitting, requestorperson (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), requestedforperson (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), formid, forminstanceid, externalappname, name, processname, formname, isarchived and pool (object with properties id and name) in JSON
Get ticketing information for a ticket (7.21.07)
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.getTicketInformation(1500); returns: object with properties id, guid, processid, datestarted, dateended, workflowissubmitting, requestorperson (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), requestedforperson (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), islocked, isrunning, tickettype, tasktype, requestedforteam, pool (object with properties id and name), medium (object with properties code and name), priority (object with properties code and name), status (object with properties code and name), service (object with properties code and name), category (object with properties code and name), classification (object with properties code and name), closurecode (object with properties code and name), description, information, solution, solutionlinkalldocuments, solutiondocumentkeys (array of keys in string), plannedeliverydate, deadlinedate, requestedforalternatename, requestedforalternateemail, requestedforalternatetelephone, assignedtoperson (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), assignedtopersongroup (object with properties id, name and description), customfields (array of objects with properties name, typeid, typename, ishidden, parametername, parametervaluefield, parameterdisplayfield, stringvalue and datetimevalue) in JSON
Start a new process instance (7.21.12)
- first parameter: process (id or name)
- second parameter: requestor person (id or unique id or email)
- third parameter: requested for person (id or unique id or email)
- fourth parameter: external app name
- fifth parameter: array of form field objects, each object can have the properties displayvalue, value, internallabel, label and labels (array of objects with properties label and language)
WorkflowInterface.startProcessInstance("My test process", "John.Doe", "John.Doe", "my test app", [{ internallabel: "field1", value: "value 1", labels: [{ label: "field 1", language: "English" }, { label: "veld 1", language: "Nederlands" }] }, { value: "value 2", displayvalue: "dis val 2", label: "field 2" }]); returns: object with properties id and guid in JSON
Start a new process instance with passing thru initial ticketing data (7.21.12)
- first parameter: process (id or name)
- second parameter: requestor person (id or unique id or email)
- third parameter: requested for person (id or unique id or email)
- fourth parameter: external app name
- fifth parameter: array of form field objects, each object can have the properties displayvalue, value, internallabel, label and labels (array of objects with properties label and language)
- sixth parameter: object with initial ticketing data, possible properties are assignedtoperson, assignedtopersongroup, category, classification, closurecode, deadlinedate, description, information, initialtasksfield, medium, planneddeliverydate, pool, priority, requestedfor, requestedforalternateemail, requestedforalternatename, requestedforalternatetelephone, requestedforteam, service, solution, status and customfields (array of objects with properties fieldname and stringvalue)
WorkflowInterface.startProcessInstanceWithTicketData("My test process", "John.Doe", "John.Doe", "my test app", [{ internallabel: "field1", value: "value 1", labels: [{ label: "field 1", language: "English" }, { label: "veld 1", language: "Nederlands" }] }, { value: "value 2", displayvalue: "dis val 2", label: "field 2" }], { status: "New", assignedtopersongroup: "My first group", assignedtoperson: "John.Doe", "Description": "test", customfields: [{fieldname: "customfield1", stringvalue: "custom field value"}] }); returns: object with properties id and guid in JSON
Rights (7.21.07)
Check if the logged in person has workflow admin rights on the ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.loggedInPersonHasWorkflowAdminRight(1500); returns: true or false
Check if the logged in person has workflow power user rights on the ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.loggedInPersonHasWorkflowPowerUserRight(1500); returns: true or false
Check if the logged in person has workflow read rights on the ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.loggedInPersonHasWorkflowReadRight(1500); returns: true or false
Check if the logged in person has workflow write rights on the ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.loggedInPersonHasWorkflowWriteRight(1500); returns: true or false
Check if the logged in person has ticketing limited rights on the ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.loggedInPersonHasTicketLimitedRight(1500); returns: true or false
Check if the logged in person has ticketing read rights on the ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.loggedInPersonHasTicketReadRight(1500); returns: true or false
Check if the logged in person has ticketing write rights on the ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.loggedInPersonHasTicketWriteRight(1500); returns: true or false
Check if the logged in person has write rights on the task (no checks on ticket are done)
- first parameter: task id
WorkflowInterface.loggedInPersonHasTaskWriteRight(100); returns: true or false
Get the value of a variable in a ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: name of the variable
WorkflowInterface.getVariableValue(1500, 'My variable'); returns: the value as string
sets the value of a variable in a ticket (if it doesn't exists, it will be created)
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: name of the variable
- third parameter: value of the variable
WorkflowInterface.setVariableValue(1500, 'My variable', 'new value'); returns: nothing
Form Values
Get all form fields for a ticket (7.21.07)
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.getAllFormFields(1500); returns: array of objects with properties fieldorder, fieldtypeid, fieldtypename, internalname, label, helptext, subfielddefinition, parametername, value (object depending on the fieldtype), rawvalue, displayvalue, visible, htmlencode, repeatablesectionindex, repeatablesectionfieldid in JSON
Get raw value of a form field in a ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: internal name of the form field
WorkflowInterface.getFormFieldValue(1500, 'MyFormField'); returns: the value as string
Get raw displayvalue of a form field in a ticket
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: internal name of the form field
WorkflowInterface.getFormFieldDisplayValue(1500, 'MyFormField'); returns: the display value as string
Get the value definition of a form field in a ticket (for selection fields)
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: internal name of the form field
WorkflowInterface.getFormFieldSubFieldDefinition(1500, 'MyFormField'); returns: the definition (eg: Name||Email)
Get the sub value of a form field in a ticket (for selection fields)
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: internal name of the form field
- third parameter: name of the sub field
WorkflowInterface.getFormSubFieldValue(1500, 'MyFormField', 'Name'); returns: the value as string (eg: Raymond)
Get the list of sub value of a form field in a ticket (for selection fields with multiple values)
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: internal name of the form field
- third parameter: name of the sub field
WorkflowInterface.getFormSubFieldValues(1500, 'MyFormField', 'Name'); returns: the values as string array in JSON (eg: ["Dominic", "Raymond"])
Get an object (key/value) where key is the sub field name and value the selected values of a form field in a ticket (for selection fields with single value)
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: internal name of the form field
WorkflowInterface.getFormFieldSelectionValue(1500, 'MyFormField'); returns: object in JSON (eg: {"Name": "Raymond", "Email": ""})
Get a list of objects (key/value) where key is the sub field name and value the selected values of a form field in a ticket (for selection fields with multiple values)
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: internal name of the form field
WorkflowInterface.getFormFieldSelectionValues(1500, 'MyFormField'); returns: array of objects in JSON (eg: [{"Name": "Raymond", "Email": ""},{"Name": "Dominic", "Email": ""}])
Get all logs for a ticket (7.21.07)
Get a list with all logs, including workflow logs, private notes, public messages and ticket changes
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.getAllLogs(1500); returns: array of objects with properties date, person (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), text, typeid, typename, notified (array of names), documentkeys (array of keys in string) in JSON
Get workflow logs for a ticket (7.21.07)
Get a list of only workflow logs
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.getWorkflowLogs(1500); returns: array of objects with properties date, person (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), text, typeid, typename, notified (array of names), documentkeys (array of keys in string) in JSON
Add a log to the process instance (workflow log)
- first parameter: ticket id
- second parameter: the log text
WorkflowInterface.addWorkflowLog(1500, 'My log text'); returns: nothing
Get all documents for a ticket (7.21.07)
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.getDocuments(1500); returns: array of objects with properties type, url, name, isticketdocument, isvisible, id, key and date in JSON
Use 'key' as unique identifier, this key is also used in other objects (eg in solutiondocumentkeys)
Add document to a ticket
- first parameter: TicketId
- second parameter: Path to the file that should be added
- third parameter: boolean (1 or 0) if file should be visible in workflow
WorkflowInterface.addDocument(ticketid, 'pathtofile', hideinworkflow);
Add document to a ticket with a specific name
- first parameter: TicketId
- second parameter: Path to the file that should be added
- third parameter: filename to show in workflow
- fourth parameter: boolean (1 or 0) if file should be visible in workflow
WorkflowInterface.addDocumentWithFileName(ticketid, 'pathtofile', 'filenametoshow', hideinworkflow);
Delete all currently linked documents from a ticket
- first parameter: TicketId
Update Ticketing fields
Get action logs for a ticket (7.21.07)
Get a list of only action logs, that's pubic messages, private notes and ticket changes
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.getActionLogs(1500); returns: array of objects with properties date, person (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), text, typeid, typename, notified (array of names), documentkeys (array of keys in string) in JSON
Add a public note within ticketing
- first parameter: TicketId
- second parameter: Person unique id or email address
- third parameter: text to add as public note
WorkflowInterface.addPrivateNote(ticketid, personidoremail, logtext);
Add a private message within ticketing
- first parameter: TicketId
- second parameter: Person unique id or email address
- third parameter: text to add as private note
WorkflowInterface.addPublicMessage(ticketid, personidoremail, logtext);
Add a ticket change entry within ticketing
- first parameter: TicketId
- second parameter: Person unique id or email address
- third parameter: text to add as ticket change
WorkflowInterface.addTicketChange(ticketid, personidoremail, logtext); This action will not send an email message
Update ticket fields
- first parameter: TicketId
- second parameter: object containing new field values
WorkflowInterface.updateTicketFields(ticketid, fields); fields: object with a key field to set which field should be updated, together with the new value for example: WorkflowInterface.updateTicketFields(ticketid, {"Status": "Open", "Custom": {"Field01": "Value01" }}); Possible fields: LockTicket, TicketIsRunning, Classification, Status, Description, Information, AssignedToPerson, AssignedToPersonGroup, Category, Medium, Priority, Service, Solution, ClosureCode, Custom, Requestor, RequestedFor, Pool, PlannedDeliveryDate, DeadlineDate, RequestedForAlternateName, RequestedForAlternateEmail, RequestedForAlternateTelephone, SolutionLinkAllDocuments, RequestedForTeam, WorkflowPool, TicketType, TasksType, RemoveOnDate
Lock ticket
- first parameter: TicketId
Unlock ticket
- first parameter: TicketId
Set ticket to IsRunning = True
- first parameter: TicketId
Set ticket to IsRunning = False
Create a new, blank Task within a ticket
WorkflowInterface.addTask(ticketid, fields); returns: the new task id
Update fields of a task
- first parameter: TicketId
- second parameter: TaskId
- third parameter: object containing new field values
WorkflowInterface.updateTask(ticketid, taskid, fields); fields: object with a key field to set which field should be updated, together with the new value for example: WorkflowInterface.updateTask(ticketid, taskid, {"Status": "Open","Description":"My descriptionb" }); Possible fields: Description, AssignedToPersonGroup, AssignedToPerson, DeliveryDate, Information, Solution, LockedTicket, IsCompleted, ExternalReference, ExternalResolved, LinkAllTicketDocuments, Status, Priority, DeadlineDate
Get information for a task (7.21.07)
- first parameter: task id
WorkflowInterface.getTask(100); returns: object with properties id, processinstanceid, deliverydate, deadlinedate, dateadded, datecompleted, completed, requestor (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), assignedtoperson (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), assignedtopersongroup (object with properties id, name and description), description, information, priority (object with properties code and name), status (object with properties code and name), solution, duestatus, linkallticketdocuments, documentkeys (array of keys in string), hasexternallink, externallinkreference, lockedticket in JSON
Get all tasks for a ticket (7.21.07)
- first parameter: ticket id
WorkflowInterface.getTasks(1500); returns: array of objects with properties id, processinstanceid, deliverydate, deadlinedate, dateadded, datecompleted, completed, requestor (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), assignedtoperson (object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive), assignedtopersongroup (object with properties id, name and description), description, information, priority (object with properties code and name), status (object with properties code and name), solution, duestatus, linkallticketdocuments, documentkeys (array of keys in string), hasexternallink, externallinkreference, lockedticket in JSON
Emails (since 7.21.06)
Get an email layout
- first parameter: name of the email layout
WorkflowInterface.getEmailLayout(name); returns: the body of the email layout in the default language When using a template in JavaScript, please be aware that the string #REPLACE-EmailContent# is replaced within your JavaScript code, before it is executed. If you want to use Layouts in JavaScript, create a specific Layout for that and don't make use of the placeholder #REPLACE-EmailContent#. Instead use for example JS-REPLACE-EMAILCONTENT.
Get an email layout in a specific language
- first parameter: name of the email layout
- second parameter: id of the desired language
WorkflowInterface.getEmailLayoutWithLanguageId(name, languageid); returns: the body of the email layout in the desired language When using a template in JavaScript, please be aware that the string #REPLACE-EmailContent# is replaced within your JavaScript code, before it is executed. If you want to use Layouts in JavaScript, create a specific Layout for that and don't make use of the placeholder #REPLACE-EmailContent#. Instead use for example JS-REPLACE-EMAILCONTENT.
Get the default email layout
WorkflowInterface.getDefaultEmailLayout(); returns: the body of the default email layout in the default language When using a template in JavaScript, please be aware that the string #REPLACE-EmailContent# is replaced within your JavaScript code, before it is executed. If you want to use Layouts in JavaScript, create a specific Layout for that and don't make use of the placeholder #REPLACE-EmailContent#. Instead use for example JS-REPLACE-EMAILCONTENT.
Get the default email layout in a specific language
- first parameter: id of the desired language
WorkflowInterface.getDefaultEmailLayoutWithLanguageId(languageid); returns: the body of the default email layout in the desired language When using a template in JavaScript, please be aware that the string #REPLACE-EmailContent# is replaced within your JavaScript code, before it is executed. If you want to use Layouts in JavaScript, create a specific Layout for that and don't make use of the placeholder #REPLACE-EmailContent#. Instead use for example JS-REPLACE-EMAILCONTENT.
Send an email
- first parameter: full name of the receiver
- second parameter: email address of the receiver
- third parameter: subject of the email
- fourth parameter: content of the email
WorkflowInterface.sendEmail(toName, toEmail, subject, content); sends the email immediately when "Send immediately" is enabled in the settings, will add the email to the queue otherwise
Queue an email
- first parameter: full name of the receiver
- second parameter: email address of the receiver
- third parameter: subject of the email
- fourth parameter: content of the email
WorkflowInterface.queueEmail(toName, toEmail, subject, content); adds the email to the queue
Send an email - advanced
- first parameter: object with properties
WorkflowInterface.sendEmailAdvanced(properties); Possible properties: from, fromemail, fromname, to, toemail, toname, cc, ccemail, ccname, bcc, bccemail, bccname, attachments, subject, content, ishtml, disableoverwriteto, processinstanceid from: can be a string (email address) or an object with the properties 'email' and 'name' to, cc and bcc: can be a string (email address), an object with the properties 'email' and 'name' or an array with strings and or objects with the properties 'email' and 'name' attachments: can be a string (location of the file), an object with the properties 'url' and 'name' or an array with strings and or objects with the properties 'url' and 'name' disableoverwriteto: boolean to specify whether the "Send all e-mails only to" should be ignored or not processinstanceid: id of the workflow ticket to link this email to Required properties: subject, content and at least one 'to' addressee are required Example: WorkflowInterface.sendEmailAdvanced({"to": "", "cc": [{email: "", name: "Dominic"}], "subject": "The subject of my email", "content": "The <strong>content</strong> of my email" }); sends the email immediately when "Send immediately" is enabled in the settings, will add the email to the queue otherwise
Queue an email - advanced
- first parameter: object with properties
WorkflowInterface.queueEmailAdvanced(properties); Possible properties: from, fromemail, fromname, to, toemail, toname, cc, ccemail, ccname, bcc, bccemail, bccname, attachments, subject, content, ishtml, disableoverwriteto, processinstanceid from: can be a string (email address) or an object with the properties 'email' and 'name' to, cc and bcc: can be a string (email address), an object with the properties 'email' and 'name' or an array with strings and or objects with the properties 'email' and 'name' attachments: can be a string (location of the file), an object with the properties 'url' and 'name' or an array with strings and or objects with the properties 'url' and 'name' disableoverwriteto: boolean to specify whether the "Send all e-mails only to" should be ignored or not processinstanceid: id of the workflow ticket to link this email to Required properties: subject, content and at least one 'to' addressee are required Example: WorkflowInterface.queueEmailAdvanced({"to": "", "cc": [{email: "", name: "Dominic"}], "subject": "The subject of my email", "content": "The <strong>content</strong> of my email" }); adds the email to the queue
Get the full query string
StudioInterface.getQueryString(); return: the full query string (without the leading question mark)
Get all keys from the query string parameter collection (7.22.03)
StudioInterface.getAllQueryStringKeys(); return: an array of strings with all the keys of the query string parameters for the current request
Get a value from the query string
StudioInterface.getQueryStringValue('name'); return: the value of the query string parameter for the current request
Get all keys from the header collection (7.22.03)
StudioInterface.getAllHeaderKeys(); return: an array of strings with all the keys of the headers for the current request
Get a value from the header
- first parameter: name
StudioInterface.getHeaderValue('name'); return: the value of the header parameter for the current request
Get all keys from the cookie collection (7.22.03)
StudioInterface.getAllCookieKeys(); return: an array of strings with all the keys of the cookies for the current request
Get a value from the cookie
- first parameter: name
StudioInterface.getCookieValue('name'); return: the value of the cookie for the current request
Set a cookie (7.22.03)
Adds a cookie, if no expire days is provided, then it's a session cookie (will be removed when session ends)
- first parameter: name
- second parameter: value
- third parameter (optional): expire in nr of days (a negative value will remove the cookie)
StudioInterface.setCookie('cookiename', 'cookievalue'); return: nothing
Get all keys from the posted form collection (7.22.03)
StudioInterface.getAllFormKeys(); return: an array of strings with all the keys of the posted form collection for the current request
Get a value from the posted form collection
- first parameter: name
StudioInterface.getFormValue('name'); return: the value from the posted form collection for the current request
Get the http method for the current request
StudioInterface.getHttpMethod(); return: the current http method (GET, POST, …)
Get the content type of the current request
StudioInterface.getContentType(); return: the content type (text/plain, application/json, …)
Get the full posted content as string
StudioInterface.getPostedContent(); return: posted content
Get the current language culture
StudioInterface.getCurrentLanguageCulture(); return: the culture (nl-BE, en-GB, …)
Get the current language name
StudioInterface.getCurrentLanguageName(); return: the name (English, Nederlands, …)
Get the current language id
StudioInterface.getCurrentLanguageId(); return: the id (1, 2, …)
Check if there is a logged in person (7.21.07)
StudioInterface.hasLoggedInPerson(); return: true or false
Get the logged in person (7.21.07)
StudioInterface.getLoggedInPerson(); return: object with properties id, firstname, lastname, email, uniqueid, description and inactive in JSON
Get the field value for the current logged in person
- first parameter: fieldname
StudioInterface.getLoggedInPersonField('FirstName'); return: the value (Raymond, Dominic, …) Possible fields: UniqueId, FirstName, LastName, Email, all person extra fields defined in adapters.
Get the first and last name for the current logged in person
StudioInterface.getLoggedInPersonFirstAndLastName(); return: the first and last name (Raymond Crijnen, Dominic De Vilder, …)
Get the description as defined in the settings for the current logged in person
StudioInterface.getLoggedInPersonDescription(); return: the description (Raymond Crijnen ( - CrijnenR))
Checks if the logged in person has the specified role
- first parameter: Role name
StudioInterface.loggedInPersonHasRole('Name of the role'); return: true if the user has the role, false otherwise
Checks if the logged in person has any of the specified roles (7.21.08)
- first parameter: array of role names
StudioInterface.loggedInPersonHasAnyRole(['Name of the role1', 'Name of the role2']); return: true if the user has any of the roles, false otherwise
Checks if the logged in person has all of the specified roles (7.21.08)
- first parameter: array of role names
StudioInterface.loggedInPersonHasAllRoles(['Name of the role1', 'Name of the role2']); return: true if the user has all of the roles, false otherwise
Get a translation
- first parameter: Category
- second parameter: Label
StudioInterface.translate('Common', 'Profile'); return: the translation value for the SSP translations
Get the root of the ssp location
StudioInterface.getSspRoot(); return: the http location, including the trailing slash (https:=== ssp/)
Get the http path to the current application
StudioInterface.getApplicationPath(); return: the http location, without the trailing slash (https:=== ssp/myapp)
Get the current folder name (full) inside the current application
StudioInterface.getCurrentFolderName(); return: the current full folder path, including the starting and trailing slash (/subfolder/content/)
Get the current file name inside the current application
StudioInterface.getCurrentName(); return: the current file name (index.html)
Get the current full path of the file inside the current application
StudioInterface.getCurrentPath(); return: the current file name (/subfolder/content/index.html)
renders the application file as a string
- first parameter: string to be rendered
StudioInterface.renderAsString('/subfolder/content/index.html'); return: the rendered content
renders the application file as a string, passing thru the parameters to the rendering script
- first parameter: Application file
- second parameter: object with parameters
StudioInterface.renderAsStringWithParameters('/subfolder/content/index.html', { 'Title': 'My title', 'Summary': 'My summary' }); return: the rendered content (the parameters are accessible in the processing script of the file to render, use g_parameters)
renders the application file and returns the rendered object
- first parameter: Application file
StudioInterface.render('/subfolder/content/index.html'); return: the rendered object with these properties: action, content, contenttype, templatezones, templateparameters
renders the application file, passing thru the parameters to the rendering script
StudioInterface.renderWithParameters('/subfolder/content/index.html', { 'Title': 'My title', 'Summary': 'My summary' }); return: the rendered object (see .render for details)
Get the value for the application variable
- first parameter: Variable name
StudioInterface.getVariableValue('my variable'); return: the value (type is depending on the variable)
Get the value for the application variable, passing thru the parameters to the variable script
- first parameter: Variable name
- second parameter: object with parameters (passed through to the variable script)
StudioInterface.getVariableValueWithParameters('my custom variable function', { 'Number': 8 }); return: the value (type is depending on the variable)
Service Catalog Interface
Get secure count of all published records (7.21.07)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count of all published records (services and knowledge articles) and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountPublishedRecordsSecure(); return: number
Get secure list of all published records
- optional first parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex (7.21.07)
- security: this function returns all published records (services and knowledge articles) and checks the current user security profile for all returning authorized records
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedRecordsSecure(); return: An array of all currently published records for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get secure count of published records by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- security: this function returns the count of all published records (services and knowledge articles) and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchCountPublishedRecordsSecure({ tag: "bike" }); return: number
Get secure list of published records by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- optional second parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all published records (services and knowledge articles) and checks the current user security profile for all returning authorized records
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchListPublishedRecordsSecure({ tag: "bike" }); ServiceCatalogInterface.searchListPublishedRecordsSecure({ anytag: ["bike","auto"], name_contains: "transport" }); return: An array of all currently published records for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of all published records (7.21.07)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count of all published records (services and knowledge articles), without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountPublishedRecords(); return: number
Get list of all published records
- optional first parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex (7.21.07)
- security: this function returns all published records (services and knowledge articles), without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedRecords(); return: An array of all currently published records, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of published records by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- security: this function returns the count of all published records (services and knowledge articles), without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchCountPublishedRecords({ tag: "bike" }); return: number
Get list of published records by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- optional second parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns published records (services and knowledge articles) that matches the search conditions, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchListPublishedRecords({ tag: "bike" }); ServiceCatalogInterface.searchListPublishedRecords({ anytag: ["bike","auto"], name_contains: "transport" }); return: An array of all currently published records, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get secure count of all published services (7.21.07)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count of all published services and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountPublishedServicesSecure(); return: number
Get secure list of all published services
- optional first parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex (7.21.07)
- security: this function returns all published services and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedServicesSecure(); return: An array of all currently published services for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get secure count of published services by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- security: this function returns the count of all published services and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchCountPublishedServicesSecure({tag: "bike"}); return: number
Get secure list of published services by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- optional second parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all published services and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchListPublishedServicesSecure({tag: "bike"}); return: An array of all currently published services for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of all published services (7.21.07)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count all published services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountPublishedServices(); return: number
Get list of all published services
- no parameters
- security: this function returns all published services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedServices(); return: An array of all currently published services, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of published services by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- security: this function returns the count all published services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchCountPublishedServices({tag: "bike"}); return: number
Get list of published services by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- optional second parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all published services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchListPublishedServices({tag: "bike"}); return: An array of all currently published services, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get secure count of all published knowledge articles (7.21.07)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count of all published knowledge articles and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountPublishedKnowledgeArticlesSecure(); return: number
Get secure list of all published knowledge articles
- optional first parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex (7.21.07)
- security: this function returns all published knowledge articles and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedKnowledgeArticlesSecure(); return: An array of all currently published knowledge articles for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get secure count of published knowledge articles by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- security: this function returns the count of all published knowledge articles and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchCountPublishedKnowledgeArticlesSecure({tag: "bike"}); return: number
Get secure list of published knowledge articles by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- optional second parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all published knowledge articles and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchListPublishedKnowledgeArticlesSecure({tag: "bike"}); return: An array of all currently published knowledge articles for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of all published knowledge articles (7.21.07)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count all published knowledge articles, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountPublishedKnowledgeArticles(); return: number
Get list of all published knowledge articles
- no parameters
- security: this function returns all published knowledge articles, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedKnowledgeArticles(); return: An array of all currently published knowledge articles, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of published knowledge articles by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- security: this function returns the count all published knowledge articles, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchCountPublishedKnowledgeArticles({tag: "bike"}); return: number
Get list of published knowledge articles by searching (7.21.07)
- first parameter: object with properties template, type, tag, anytag, alltags, name, name_contains, provider, receiver, provider_startswith, receiver_startswith, owner, ownerdeputy, manager or ownerorownerdeputyormanager
- optional second parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all published knowledge articles, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.searchListPublishedKnowledgeArticles({tag: "bike"}); return: An array of all currently published knowledge articles, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get published service summary
- first parameter: serviceguid
- security: Returns a summary of the service, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServiceSummary(guid) return: the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get secure published service summary
- first parameter: serviceguid
- security: Returns a summary of the service and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServiceSummarySecure(guid) return: the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get multiple published services summary
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- security: Returns a summary of the service, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServicesSummary([guid1, guid2]) return: an array with services containing the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get all published services summary (7.21.07)
- no parameters
- security: Returns a summary of the service, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedServicesSummary() return: an array with services containing the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get secure multiple published services summary
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- security: Returns a summary of the service and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServicesSummary([guid1, guid2]) return: an array with services containing the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get secure all published services summary (7.21.07)
- no parameters
- security: Returns a summary of the service and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedServicesSummarySecure() return: an array with services containing the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get published service details
- first parameter: serviceguid
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServiceDetail(guid) return: all fields, including template fields for the given service guid
Get secure published service details
- first parameter: serviceguid
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServiceDetailSecure(guid) return: all fields, including template fields for the given service guid
Get multiple published services details
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServicesDetail([guid1, guid2]) return: an array with services containing all fields, including template fields for the given service guids
Get all published services details (7.21.07)
- optional first parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all service details, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedServicesDetail() return: an array with services containing all fields, including template fields
Get secure multiple published services details
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServicesDetailSecure([guid1, guid2]) return: an array with services containing all fields, including template fields for the given service guids
Get secure all published services details (7.21.07)
- optional first parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all service details and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedServicesDetailSecure() return: an array with services containing all fields, including template fields
Get published service part values (7.21.07)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- second parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServiceParts(guid, ["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields for the given service guid
Get secure published service part values (7.21.07)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- second parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServicePartsSecure(guid, ["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields for the given service guid
Get multiple published services part values (7.21.07)
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- second parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServicesParts([guid1, guid2], ["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields for the given service guid
Get secure multiple published services details (7.21.07)
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- second parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getPublishedServicesPartsSecure([guid1, guid2], ["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields for the given service guid
Get all published services part values (7.21.07)
- first parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values for all services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedServicesParts(["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields
Get secure all published services details (7.21.07)
- first parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values for all services and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllPublishedServicesPartsSecure(["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields
Search published services using text search (with Lucene) (7.21.11)
- first parameter: language id
- second parameter: the text to search (allows for * and ?)
- optional third parameter: object with properties 'itemsperpage' (default 100), 'after' (pass the object 'lastinfo' from the previous search result), 'templatename', 'templatetype' and 'servicetype'
- security: this function returns all published services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.textSearch(1, "how to ride a bike", { templatetype: "Knowledge_article" }); return: An object with properties 'totalhits' (total amount of hits), 'entries' (array of search result entries containing the following data: guid, name, summary, servicetype, templatename, templatetype) and 'lastinfo' (contains the needed info to fetch the next batch of results)
Search secure published services using text search (with Lucene) (7.21.11)
- first parameter: language id
- second parameter: the text to search (allows for * and ?)
- optional third parameter: object with properties 'itemsperpage' (default 100), 'after' (pass the object 'lastinfo' from the previous search result), 'templatename', 'templatetype' and 'servicetype'
- security: this function returns all published services and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.textSearchSecure(1, "how to ride a bike", { templatetype: "Knowledge_article" }); return: An object with properties 'totalhits' (total amount of hits), 'entries' (array of search result entries containing the following data: guid, name, summary, servicetype, templatename, templatetype) and 'lastinfo' (contains the needed info to fetch the next batch of results)
Get service version summary (7.21.12)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- second parameter: versionnumber
- security: Returns a summary of the service, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceVersionSummary(guid, versionnumber) return: the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get secure service version summary (7.21.12)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- second parameter: versionnumber
- security: Returns a summary of the service and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceVersionSummarySecure(guid, versionnumber) return: the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get service version details (7.21.12)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- second parameter: versionnumber
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceVersionDetail(guid, versionnumber) return: all fields, including template fields for the given service guid and versionnumber
Get secure service version details (7.21.12)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- second parameter: versionnumber
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceVersionDetailSecure(guid, versionnumber) return: all fields, including template fields for the given service guid and versionnumber
Get secure count of all records (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count of all records (services and knowledge articles) and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountRecordsSecure(); return: number
Get secure list of all records (7.21.12)
- optional first parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all records (services and knowledge articles) and checks the current user security profile for all returning authorized records
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllRecordsSecure(); return: An array of all currently records for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of all records (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count of all records (services and knowledge articles), without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountRecords(); return: number
Get list of all records (7.21.12)
- optional first parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all records (services and knowledge articles), without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllRecords(); return: An array of all currently records, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get secure count of all services (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count of all services and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountServicesSecure(); return: number
Get secure list of all services (7.21.12)
- optional first parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all services and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllServicesSecure(); return: An array of all currently services for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of all services (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count all services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountServices(); return: number
Get list of all services (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns all services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllServices(); return: An array of all currently services, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get secure count of all knowledge articles (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count of all knowledge articles and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountKnowledgeArticlesSecure(); return: number
Get secure list of all knowledge articles (7.21.12)
- optional first parameter: object with properties itemsperpage and pageindex
- security: this function returns all knowledge articles and checks the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllKnowledgeArticlesSecure(); return: An array of all currently knowledge articles for which the current user is authorized, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get count of all knowledge articles (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns the count all knowledge articles, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getCountKnowledgeArticles(); return: number
Get list of all knowledge articles (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: this function returns all knowledge articles, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllKnowledgeArticles(); return: An array of all currently knowledge articles, containing the following data: serviceid, serviceguid, versionnumber, template guid, template name, template hide in public, template typeid, phase id, phase name, servicetypeid, servicetypename, name of service, description, summary, providers, receivers, owner, ownerdeputy, servicemanager.
Get service summary (7.21.12)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- security: Returns a summary of the service, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceSummary(guid) return: the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get secure service summary (7.21.12)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- security: Returns a summary of the service and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceSummarySecure(guid) return: the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get multiple services summary (7.21.12)
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- security: Returns a summary of the service, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServicesSummary([guid1, guid2]) return: an array with services containing the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get all services summary (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: Returns a summary of the service, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllServicesSummary() return: an array with services containing the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get secure multiple services summary (7.21.12)
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- security: Returns a summary of the service and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServicesSummary([guid1, guid2]) return: an array with services containing the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get secure all services summary (7.21.12)
- no parameters
- security: Returns a summary of the service and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllServicesSummarySecure() return: an array with services containing the same fields as the list method returns + icon, banner, list of parent service guids, list of child service guids and list of knowledge article guids, editorpersons, editorpersongroups, technicalapprovalpersons, technicalapprovalpersongroups, customerapprovalpersons and customactors
Get service details (7.21.12)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceDetail(guid) return: all fields, including template fields for the given service guid Please note that there is an optional parameter to retrieve the service details in a specific languange. Use this: ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceDetail(guid, { LanguageId: 1 }) to get the service details in the language English. (1=English, 2=Dutch, 3=French, 4=German).
Get secure service details (7.21.12)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceDetailSecure(guid) return: all fields, including template fields for the given service guid
Get multiple services details (7.21.12)
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServicesDetail([guid1, guid2]) return: an array with services containing all fields, including template fields for the given service guids
Get all services details (7.21.12)
- optional first parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all service details, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllServicesDetail() return: an array with services containing all fields, including template fields
Get secure multiple services details (7.21.12)
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value) (7.21.07)
- security: Returns all service details and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServicesDetailSecure([guid1, guid2]) return: an array with services containing all fields, including template fields for the given service guids
Get secure all services details (7.21.12)
- optional first parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all service details and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllServicesDetailSecure() return: an array with services containing all fields, including template fields
Get service part values (7.22.02)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- second parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServiceParts(guid, ["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields for the given service guid
Get secure service part values (7.22.02)
- first parameter: serviceguid
- second parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServicePartsSecure(guid, ["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields for the given service guid
Get multiple services part values (7.22.02)
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- second parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServicesParts([guid1, guid2], ["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields for the given service guid
Get secure multiple services details (7.22.02)
- first parameter: array with serviceguids
- second parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional third parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getServicesPartsSecure([guid1, guid2], ["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields for the given service guid
Get all services part values (7.22.02)
- first parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values for all services, without checking the current user security profile
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllServicesParts(["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields
Get secure all services details (7.22.02)
- first parameter: array of internal names of the parts (pass null to get all parts)
- optional second parameter: object with property selectionfieldsusekeys (true = return keys instead of display value)
- security: Returns all part values for all services and checks if the current user is authorized to retrieve these details (at least read rights)
ServiceCatalogInterface.getAllServicesPartsSecure(["part1", "part2"]) return: template fields