IndexOf SubString
Example 1: I need from ‘Long_Long (personfield)’ everything before the first ‘\’.
So from this entry: SMTX\DDEVILDER I need: SMTX
I would normally do:
SUBSTRING('#REPLACE-PERSONFIELD-RequestedFor-Login_Long#', 0, INDEXOF('#REPLACE-PERSONFIELD-RequestedFor-Login_Long#', '\'))
Bit the ‘\’ needs to be excepted (don’t ask me why-), so you need it twice:
SUBSTRING('#REPLACE-PERSONFIELD-RequestedFor-Login_Long#', 0, INDEXOF('#REPLACE-PERSONFIELD-RequestedFor-Login_Long#', '\\'))
Example 2 : filename extraction
I need the filename of an uploaded file. It will give this normally:
<A HREF="" target="_blank">richardGere2.psd</A>
So we need al input after the first '>' and before the next '<'
New method:
GetXmlProperty('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-Testuploadedfilesattachmentemail||Upload1FileForm||#', '/A/text()')
Old Method: Substring('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-testfilenameextraction||Upload01||#',LastIndexOf('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-testfilenameextraction||Upload01||#','">')+2,LastIndexOf('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-testfilenameextraction||Upload01||#','<')-LastIndexOf('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-testfilenameextraction||Upload01||#','">')-2)
sample form :
Method 2:
GetXmlProperty('#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-UploadXmlTest||fuXml||#', '/A/@HREF')
sample form :
Example 3 : return all data after a space
From 'blabla Eric', I want to keep everything after the space, so only 'Eric' SUBSTRING('#1#', INDEXOF('#1#', ' ') + 1)