Customer Journey Configuration
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Below are some examples for referring to fields in the customer journey
Customer Journey References
These references are examples for retrieving data from the Customer Journey
Planned Start Date
Planned Start Date
Form instanceid of the Concept form created
Submitted Form Values
Special variables
When a variable with the internallabel "widget-header-text" is created, the contents of this variable will be displayed at the top of the widget
Common Form References
#REPLACE-FORMFIELD-InternalLabel||# #REPLACE-FORMFIELD-InternalLabel||Column#
Common Process References
Customer Journey process start date
Customer Journey process id
Javascript Examples
Below are some common used scripts that can be reused in your projects
Check if moment already has a startdate, if not set it
var currentvalue = '#MOMENT-dossier-klaar||date||#'; if (currentvalue) return currentvalue; if ('#VARIABLE-dossier-klaar||value||#' === 'yes') { return CommonInterface.utcDateToString(new Date(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss"); }
Script to execute in a form when it is used to collect additional data
var forminstance = JSON.parse(g_forminstance_string); var processinstanceidformfields = forminstance.values.filter(function (val) { return val.internallabel === "hidProcessInstanceId"; }); var processinstanceid = 0; if (processinstanceidformfields.length > 0) { processinstanceid = +processinstanceidformfields[0].value; } if (processinstanceid) { WorkflowInterface.setVariableValue(processinstanceid, "FormInstance_" +, g_forminstance_string); CommonInterface.callWebservice("BZ - Klantreis - Check create form instance actions", { ProcessInstanceId: processinstanceid, CheckIsProcessing: "true" }); return "Bedankt voor het invullen, we gaan er mee aan de slag"; } else { return "ProcessInstanceId not found"; }
Update variable with webservice
Name of the webservice: ssproot/customer-journey-app/buttonactions/editvariables retrievesinglevalue Input plain text: ProcessInstanceId=#PROCESSINSTANCEID||URL#&VariableNames=#VARIABLENAME||URL#&VariableValue_#VARIABLENAME||URL#=#VARIABLEVALUE||URL#&HashCheck=#HASHCHECK||URL# Input fields: ProcessInstanceId (ticket id) VariableName (Name of the customer journey variable) VariableValue (New value to set) HashCheck (CommonInterface.getHash('sha512', processinstanceid + 'actionbutton_editvariables' + '_' + variablename + StudioInterface.getVariableValue("hash-check-salt")))
Update variable with function
When executing a javascript within the customer journey, you can use this function to update a variable, with using the webservice solution mentioned above: updateVariable("widget-header-text", "this is the new value");
Retrieving variable value without placeholder
Normally you can use the variable placeholder to refer to the value of a variable. Alternatively you can also use the function below to get the contents of a variable: var thevariablevalue = getVariableValue("widget-header-text");