Retrieve Group membership
If you want to know in a form, to which groups a user belongs,use this Query in a webservice:
SELECT [Name] FROM [PersonGroup] WHERE [Id] IN (SELECT [PersonGroupId] FROM [PersonGroupPerson] WHERE [PersonId] IN (SELECT [Id] FROM [Person] WHERE [Email] = #EMAIL#)) AND [Name] IN ( '03. Anesthesiology (PD)', '04. Biobank (PD)', '05. Cardiologie (PD - OD)', '06. DPO (PD)', '07. Gastro-enterology (PD)', '08. Information management (PD)', '09. Laboratory (PD)', '10. Legal department (PD)', '11. Neurology (PD)', '12. Nuclear medicine (PD)', '13. Pathology (PD)', '14. Pharmacy (PD)', '15. Radiology (PD)', '16. HR department' )
This will return the group names form the groups listed.
Sample form: Webservice: