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== Calling Web Services ==
== Calling Web Services ==
//first parameter: name of webservice
//first parameter: name of webservice
//second parameter: object with key / value that is used as input fields)
//second parameter: object with key / value that is used as input fields)
Line 113: Line 113:
== Datastore parameters ==
== Datastore parameters ==
//get all the entries of a parameter:
//get all the entries of a parameter:
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//first parameter: name of the parameter
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== Workflow Interface ==
== Workflow Interface ==
//gets the value of a variable in a ticket
//gets the value of a variable in a ticket
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== Update Ticketing fields ==
== Update Ticketing fields ==


//Adds a public note within ticketing
//Adds a public note within ticketing

Revision as of 14:18, 8 January 2021

Since version 7.20.10 SSP supports javascript steps in the workflow. Below is a summary of all SSP specific functions, available to be used within the step:

Common Interface

//log in the physical logfile:
//returns: nothing

//convert text to base64:
//returns: dGVzdA==
//convert base64 to string:
//returns: test
//htmlencode text:
//returns: <strong>test</strong>
//htmldecode text:
//returns: <strong>test</strong>
//urlencode text:
//returns: %3fparam1%3dtest1%26param2%3dtest2
//urldecode text:
//returns: ?param1=test1&param2=test2
//xmlencode text:
CommonInterface.xmlEncode('test1 & test2');
//returns: test1 & test2
//converts bbcode to html:
//returns: <strong>test</strong>
//converts bbcode to text:
//returns: test
//checks if the input is a valid path (url or local path):
//returns: boolean
//checks if the url starts with the url (public or local) to ssp
//returns: boolean
//returns to local path to the file for the url (in case it's an sspfile)
//returns: C:\Websites\\Sql.Dev.Ssp7\test.txt
//gets the filename of the url / local path
//returns: test.txt
//gets the file extension of the url / local path
//returns: .txt
//gets the file content of the url / local path
//returns: test content
//gets the file content in base 64 of the url / local path
//returns: dGVzdCBjb250ZW50
//gets the file size in bytes of the url / local path
//returns: 12
//formats the file size in readable format (with B, KB, MB, GB or TB)
//returns: 5 MB
//gets the hash of a string
//first parameter is the type of hash, can be: sha1, sha1_base64, sha256, sha256_base64, sha512 or sha512_base64
CommonInterface.getHash('sha512', 'test');
//returns: EE26B0DD4AF7E749AA1A8EE3C10AE9923F618980772E473F8819A5D4940E0DB27AC185F8A0E1D5F84F88BC887FD67B143732C304CC5FA9AD8E6F57F50028A8FF
//encrypts string
//first parameter is the password (if empty the default one is used)
CommonInterface.encrypt('test', 'mypassword');
//returns: oOe3y182qDKOGzmFpfTiLzNpML+fyvwhfjA9HqF9OwYqcM/PZovosALARZzApNnvToKpBV1dsWnaDP7+iTBo/ic33ZwcxuNRlbGHiKDwdEY=
//decrypts string
//first parameter is the password (if empty the default one is used)
CommonInterface.decrypt('oOe3y182qDKOGzmFpfTiLzNpML+fyvwhfjA9HqF9OwYqcM/PZovosALARZzApNnvToKpBV1dsWnaDP7+iTBo/ic33ZwcxuNRlbGHiKDwdEY=', 'mypassword');
//returns: test
//generate a new guid
//returns: a new guid (eg 9ec5d882-dcb7-408b-9638-c4f05045f18c)

//Strip invalid XML characters from a string
//returns: string

Calling Web Services

//first parameter: name of webservice
//second parameter: object with key / value that is used as input fields)
CommonInterface.callWebservice('Name of webservice', { 'field1': 'value1', 'field2': 'value2' });
//returns in case of the webservice having a return type of single value: the single value (string)
//returns in case of the webservice having a return type of datatable or valuelist: the object encoded as a JSON string. If you want to consume it as an object in your javascript, you must use JSON.parse(), eg in one line: JSON.parse(CommonInterface.callWebservice('Name of webservice', { 'field1': 'value1', 'field2': 'value2' }));

Datastore parameters

//get all the entries of a parameter:
//first parameter: name of the parameter
CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntries('Address Book');
//returns all the entries (array) with all the fields (properties) as JSON encoded string. If you want to consume it, use JSON.parse, eg: JSON.parse(CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntries('Address Book'));
//get all the entries of a parameter sorted on a field:
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: field to sort on
CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntriesAndSort('Address Book', 'Name');
//returns same as above but sorted via the query
//get the count of all the entries of a parameter:
//first parameter: name of the parameter
CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntryCount('Address Book');
//returns: 9
//gets the specific value of a field for a specific entry
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: key field
//third parameter: key value
//fourth parameter: fields to return, joined by double pipes
CommonInterface.getParameterEntryValue('Address Book', 'Email', '', 'Name||Location');
//returns the values if the requested fields for the first entry found, joined by double pipe, eg: john Crijnen||Maastricht
//gets the all values of a field in a parameter
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: field name
CommonInterface.getParameterEntryValues('Address Book', 'Email');
//returns a JSON encoded string of all the values (sorted), again to consume use JSON.parse, result: ["","","",""]
//advanced search on parameter entries:
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: object with key / value containing the predicates
CommonInterface.searchParameterEntries('Address Book', [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: '' },{ connector: 'or', subfilter: [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: 'company' }, { fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'notcontains', filtervalue: 'john' } ]}]);
//returns: see CommonInterface.getAllParameterEntries
//advanced search and sort on parameter entries:
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: object with key / value containing the predicates
//third parameter: field to sort on
CommonInterface.searchParameterEntriesAndSort('Address Book', [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: '' },{ connector: 'or', subfilter: [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: 'company' }, { fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'notcontains', filtervalue: 'john' } ]}], 'Location');
//returns: same as CommonInterface.searchParameterEntries but sorted via the query
//gets the result count of an advanced search:
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: object with key / value containing the predicates
CommonInterface.searchParameterEntryCount('Address Book', [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: '' },{ connector: 'or', subfilter: [{ fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'contains', filtervalue: 'company' }, { fieldname: 'Email', filteroperator: 'notcontains', filtervalue: 'john' } ]}]);
//returns the number of records found
//adds a parameter entry
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: object with key / value that contains the fields (keys) with the values (values)
CommonInterface.addParameterEntry('Address Book', { 'Name': 'Test', 'Email': '' });
//returns the new internal id of the entry
//updates zero or more parameter entries
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: object with key / value that represents the predicate (filter)
//third parameter: object with key / value that contains the new values (not all values are required)
CommonInterface.updateParameterEntries('Address Book', { 'Email': '' }, { 'Name': 'Test updated' });
//returns the number of entries updated (make sure you use the correct filter, you could potentially update all the entries)
//deletes zero or more parameter entries
//first parameter: name of the parameter
//second parameter: object with key / value that represents the predicate (filter)
CommonInterface.deleteParameterEntries('Address Book', { 'Email': '' });
//returns the number of entries deleted (make sure you use the correct filter, you could potentially delete all the entries)

Workflow Interface

//gets the value of a variable in a ticket
//first parameter: ticket id
//second parameter: name of the variable
WorkflowInterface.getVariableValue(1500, 'My variable');
//returns the value as string
//sets the value of a variable in a ticket (if it doesn't exists, it will be created)
//first parameter: ticket id
//second parameter: name of the variable
//third parameter: value of the variable
WorkflowInterface.setVariableValue(1500, 'My variable', 'new value');
//returns nothing
//gets the raw value of a form field in a ticket
//first parameter: ticket id
//second parameter: internal name of the form field
WorkflowInterface.getFormFieldValue(1500, 'MyFormField');
//returns the value as string
//gets the raw displayvalue of a form field in a ticket
//first parameter: ticket id
//second parameter: internal name of the form field
WorkflowInterface.getFormFieldDisplayValue(1500, 'MyFormField');
//returns the display value as string
//adds a log to the process instance (workflow log)
//first parameter: ticket id
//second parameter: the log text
WorkflowInterface.addWorkflowLog(1500, 'My log text');
//returns nothing

//Adds document to a ticket
WorkflowInterface.addDocument(ticketid, 'pathtofile', hideinworkflow); 
//hideinworkflow = boolean

//Adds document to a ticket with a specific name
WorkflowInterface.addDocumentWithFileName(ticketid, 'pathtofile', 'filenametoshow', hideinworkflow); 
//hideinworkflow = boolean

//Deletes all currently linked documents from a ticket.

Update Ticketing fields


//Adds a public note within ticketing
WorkflowInterface.addPrivateNote(ticketid, personidoremail, logtext);

//Adds a private message within ticketing
WorkflowInterface.addPublicMessage(ticketid, personidoremail, logtext);

//Adds a ticket change entry within ticketing
WorkflowInterface.addTicketChange(ticketid, personidoremail, logtext);
//This action will not send an email message

//Update ticket fields
WorkflowInterface.updateTicketFields(ticketid, fields);
fields: json object with a key field to set which field should be updated, together with the new value for example: WorkflowInterface.updateTicketFields(ticketid, {"Status": "Open", "Custom": {"Field01": "Value01" }});

//Possible fields: LockTicket, TicketIsRunning, Classification, Status, Description, Information, AssignedToPerson, AssignedToPersonGroup, Category, Medium, Priority, Service, Solution, ClosureCode, Custom, Requestor, RequestedFor, Pool, PlannedDeliveryDate, DeadlineDate, RequestedForAlternateName, RequestedForAlternateEmail, RequestedForAlternateTelephone, SolutionLinkAllDocuments, RequestedForTeam,
WorkflowPool, TicketType, TasksType, RemoveOnDate

//Lock ticket

//Unlock ticket

//Set ticket to IsRunning = True

//Set ticket to IsRunning = False

// Create a new, blank Task within a ticket
WorkflowInterface.addTask(ticketid, fields); 
//returns the new task id

//Update fields of a task
WorkflowInterface.updateTask(ticketid, taskid, fields);
fields: json object with a key field to set which field should be updated, together with the new value for example: WorkflowInterface.updateTask(ticketid, taskid, {"Status": "Open","Description":"My descriptionb" });

//Possible fields: Description, AssignedToPersonGroup, AssignedToPerson, DeliveryDate, Information, Solution, LockedTicket, IsCompleted, ExternalReference, ExternalResolved, LinkAllTicketDocuments, Status, Priority, DeadlineDate 

|Example Javascript